– Worldwide –

Construction management – Project management – Consulting for construction projects

– Solar –

If we want to continue to have electricity, we must look for alternatives. Solar is one of them …

– Construction –

People have been built since the Stone Age. There are always problems. We solve them.

Last Projects

02_Seine Majestät, König Willem-Alexander

Open space solar plant “Zonnepark Vloeivelden Hollandia”, The Netherlands

Nominal power: 117 MWp // Technology: partial installation at a height of approx. 3 m above the ground // Execution: 2020 // Opening by His…

Creation of expertises and reports …

… on the buildability of areas for solar plants, the construction period and possible problems with construction schedules and quality during and after the construction…
Zonnepark Coevorden 01

Open space solar plant ”Zonnepark Coevorden“, The Netherlands

Nominal power: 12 MWp // Technology: Fixed installation with low maintenance requirements (pile driving) // Execution time: 2019

Solar and wind energy plant, Kingdom of Bahrain

Construction, Solar, Wind Energy
Bier-Bauconsulting: Owners engineer on site // Test facility of the Energy and Water Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain // Power Solar plant/Wind turbines: 3…

About Bier-Bauconsulting

  • Worked on construction sites during my studies
  • worked in leading positions for several construction companies
  • since 2006 self-employed
  • well networked
  • problem solver

==> Test it!

years on the market
satisfied customers
completed projects
in 15 countries